Thursday, September 06, 2007

I guess I have been tagged by Jenn, so I guess I have to answer these questions.
jobs I have had
1. Janitor
2. Printing Press Operator
3. Preschool Teacher
4. Radio DJ

Movies I can watch over and over
1. LaBamba
2. Rocky I and II
3. Arthur
4. Apollo 13

4 places I have lived
1. Austinburg OH
2. Geneva On The Lake Oh
3. Geneva, OH
4. Inside my own mind

4 Guilty Pleasures
1. Chips
2. TV too much TV
3. Impulse spending
4. Buying accessories for anything I own

4 Places I have been on vacation
1. Las Vegas
2. Utah!!!
3. Lowes' Motor Speedway
4. Bristol Speedway

4 Favorite Foods
1. Chips
2. Pizza
3. Beef
4. Pasta with Pesto Sauce

4 websites I visit
3. My Bank
4. Stumble, which takes you from one cool site to the next

4 places I'd rather be right now
1. Seeing the country in a big ole RV
2. Utah, getting to know my brother's family better
3. An air conditioned bar with unlimited free appetizers
4. Inside a Nextel Cup car going 200 mph around Daytona

4 Things I would like to know how to do
1. Landscape
2. Oil paint
3. Make money
4. Find true happiness

4 things I worry about
1. Money
2. Money
3. Grandkids growing up successful
4. Money

4 Happy Moments
1. My wedding day
2. When I was offered a job at WKKY
3. Singing in a rock band
4. Anytime my grandaughters cuddle me

4 things I want to do this year or in the future
1. Cut down dead tree in driveway
2. Get a raise or new job
3. Get new carpeting
4. Track my family roots a few generations back